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Home » Why a Motorcycle Personal Injury Lawyer is Crucial in Motorcycle Accident Cases

Why a Motorcycle Personal Injury Lawyer is Crucial in Motorcycle Accident Cases

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Motorcycle Accident Cases

Whether you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident and sustained injuries, that is not your fault. A legal professional can help you in many ways, including identifying the liable party, gathering evidence, filing an insurance claim, and even, initiate a court proceeding. You shouldn’t take the road to recovery from a motorcycle accident alone.

A competent Bakersfield motorcycle personal injury lawyer can provide legal help in a professional & compassionate manner, protect your rights, and advise you on how to seek compensation.

Why do Insurance Companies Frustrate Motorcycle Accident Victims?

The primary aim of most insurers is to avoid paying claims hence, making more profit at the end of the day. Insurance companies have their adjusters and lawyer who will use all tricks, from delaying to denying, and downplaying the injuries and damages. A Bakersfield motorcycle personal injury lawyer who is seeking legal redress on your behalf can counter such tactics by gathering evidence for a strong case. Motorcycle personal injury lawyers can prove the liability of the defendant, you increasing the probability of recovering damages, compensation, and other financial costs resulting from the motorcycle accident. The advantages of using amotorcycle personal injury lawyer to represent you include:


  • Reviewing of the case for free.
  • Evaluating the extent of your injuries.
  • Calculating fair damages.
  • Gathering facts and evidence for a strong case.
  • Evaluating police reports, witness statements, and expert testimonies.
  • Calculating economic and non-economic losses.
  • You get ample time for recovery.

Factors Influencing the Court’s Decision in Motorcycle Accident Claims

As a bare minimum, motorcycle riders should always use the appropriate motorcycle protective gear to mitigate the risk of fatalities if an accident occurs. The court considers many factors, including the following, when awarding compensation to motorcycle accident victims.

Total Damages

Total damages include economic and non-economic losses resulting from the accident. Economic loss describes the time a working individual loses, while non-economic loss describes the claims commensurate with the pain and suffering of the victim. If the medical costs amounted to $50,000, the settlement is usually multiplied by a reasonable number of times.

Economic Status before the Accident

The circumstances surrounding motorcycles are not always the same. The disruption to your life is a key factor to consider when calculating awards. For example, if the accident interfered with your ability to work, your award is usually high, thanks to lost wages. If the injuries do not interfere with your work, settlement may be minimal.

Probable Outcome of the Case

When a motorcycle accident case is backed with strong evidence and facts, the award is usually higher than the total damages, but if there’s doubt of winning the case, the award is usually minimal. Factors that influence the outcome of a verdict include:

  • The credibility of witnesses.
  • Comparative negligence.
  • Expert reports, including the police and doctors.
  • The weight of the facts and circumstances surrounding the accident.
  •  The jury’s general opinion on motorcycling.


Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Bakersfield

Motorcycles are generally used as a means of transport in many U.S states. In Bakersfield, motorcyclists must observe the laid-down motorcycle safety tips. Accidents, particularly motorcycle accidents, in Bakersfield can be avoided if all road users are more vigilant. The common causes of motorcycle accidents include:

Left-hand Turns

These accidents occur when motorcyclists or car drivers make left turns without giving way to oncoming traffic. The road user making a careless left turn is at fault. It could be the motorcycle or the car.

Open-door Accidents

Cases of cyclists running into open car doors are so common that there now referred to as dooring. You can’t be at fault if there was no way of avoiding the collision. However, you’ll be liable if the collision could be avoided.

Unexpected Reversals

In this case, the motorcyclists often collide with reversing vehicles. The motorcyclist may be innocent as it’s can be hard to notice a reversing car on a busy highway.

Merging or Changing Lanes Carelessly

This type of accident occurs mostly when overtaking or changing a lane, and it’s mainly caused by inexperienced drivers or motorcyclists.

Bad Roads

Potholes are a major cause of accidents in Bakersfield. While trying to avoid a pothole,  motorcyclists can run into oncoming traffic.

How to Settle a Motorcycle Accident Case in Alaska

A motorcycle accident case is settled by negotiating with the other party (plaintiff or defendant). It includes providing evidence for a strong case. You can use a third party, such as an attorney for motorcycle accident settlements, for mediation.

If you’re seeking justice for injuries and losses caused by a motorcycle accident, consulting a Bakersfield motorcycle personal injury lawyer will almost certainly guarantee you a fair trial and a higher probability of winning the case.

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