Livestock industry is one of the most important and well known industries in the world that serves the population with essential meat nourishments. In this era of advancement and technology many agricultural and farming sectors have accepted the need of technology to improvise their efficiency and increase productivity. Similarly in livestock industry the most essential pillar is to manage the cattle, as cattle is considered to be the most important of the livestock business so as per the past practices it was tough job to manage record of cattle. To ease the flow business just like other sectors livestock sector also made the best use of technology by introducing the cattle log in their business. It is an automatic way of recording your cattle inventory and history in under one roof, mainly it is a software designed in such a way that livestock companies and owners can easily monitor the progress of cattle from their systems.
No doubt that livestock is a lavish business and it gives good return of investments, but at the same time it also seeks human workforce for the upbringing of animals in good shape in terms of healthy so that their meat demand in the market excels and livestock companies can ear huge profits. Cattle log on the other hand helps you to maintain record of your cattle activity on daily basis, it consists of lucrative features such as animal id, type of specie, animal gender, ranch number and much more. With the help of these fields the software that is deployed on your system helps you to view the performance of the cattle when you enter the data and search for it. However, in earlier days cowboys had to be on the farms riding on their horseback to look after the cattle, take them for grazing on high lands, make sure that wild animals do not attack them and get them in to their ranches safe and sound by evening. Introduction of this software also trained the farm teams and they learned new ways of managing the cattle from their work stations.
Furthermore, to track the cattle in a fast and effective manner livestock drones were used by the livestock companies and owners that were aligned with the cattle log. In this they were able to view the history and performance of how each animal on the ground has been behaving. Just in case if something was wrong with the animal, immediately the ranchers and farmers ran towards that animal to resolve the issue in timely manner. This software also updates the companies and owners with daily and advanced one week ahead temperatures and with weather conditions. This helped them to take precautions accordingly and they also ensured to keep the cattle in safe hands. With very short span of time this software became blessing for the livestock companies, as they never dreamt about introduction of technology being so much helpful for them.
Best thing about cattle log was that once it was deployed in the system, it gave access to your social media platforms, the alignment was designed in such a way that you can easily connect with the world and tell them about the usage of this software. Furthermore, it also consists of demo option where you can give live demo of this software to anyone who seems interested in buying or purchasing of this software. So now you see, that this software was developed to serve you with multiple task at one time, and you get results in fraction of seconds. This opened the bridge between livestock companies and the clients who wished to avail the benefits of this software, their positive word of mouth reviews and five star ratings helped many companies earn high revenues and also created their brand image in the market. The software also consisted of three options of generating cattle management reports on weekly basis, monthly basis and yearly basis, so as per you desire you can track and see the progress of your cattle, in case if somewhere you find loophole then you can fix it accordingly with your team.