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Gamification Will Help You Get Things Done

2 min read

Consider an intuitive and current app like Sweepy. There is no doubt that the concept known as gamification can make the process of cleaning seem very fun and not appear to be like a chore. There is a school of thought which states that learning should be a fun event and not something that is uninteresting and a pain to do. The same theory applies when it comes to getting things done which seem like a chore. Sweepy is one particular application that puts the fun into something mundane and boring. Applications coupled with gamification can actually add quality to your life.


Elegant Media, which is an award-winning app development company based in Australia is well-versed in creating applications that redefine the selling of products and services. Gamification, just like tasks, which need to have a time quotient placed next to it, can help when it comes to mobile app development. Consider for instance the Pomodoro Technique. Taking breaks when actually working on one particular task will help you get into flow. This will make the entire experience much easier to do and will help you with completion. At the end of the day creating a proper application is all about psychology.


Android app development and app development in general utilises artificial intelligence and machine learning. Data analytics and the use of data in general helps with understanding user experience and also with what features stick. Human beings are generally highly cognitive individuals that need a certain degree of stimulation in order to get tasks done. In short, what gamification does is that it alleviates boredom and keeps users engaged. One of the best examples when it comes to an application is Tinder, which started off as a freemium model and uses gamification in order to become a paid model.


Consider how gamification is also not only relevant in fitness-based applications but in social media as well. With Facebook and so many other companies coming up with different multiverses, the concept of gamification will be very relevant and prevalent. All in all, the theme of gamification is used to keep an audience engaged and to increase interactions. It is this factor which will help a social media platform stay relevant and popular. Applications like Foursquare and MySpace became irrelevant simply because they could not keep their audience engaged. While there are many factors and features that can be utilised from a psychological standpoint to be relevant and to keep an audience engaged, gamification is just one way to ensure that your audience will always keep coming back for more.