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Custom Printed Wholesale Hair Extension Boxes Packaging

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Customized print boxes for hair extension; hair is such an important aspect of human life. Most people spend several hours trying to get the right hair. You’ll get costly haircuts, add a lot of oil and other ingredients and a lot more in order to stop baldness. For some reason, thicker hair, regardless of sex, is seen as the ideal hairstyle type. People would do almost anything to get luscious, long hair. Everyone wants their favourite celebrity to look like. What began to be highlighted is that some celebrities actually add hair to create this voluminous look by hair extensions. As a result, demand for hair extensions and custom hair extension boxes has risen in recent decades.

Best options for multi packaging

Surprisingly enough, there have been hair extensions and hair packaging boxes for some time now. Cleopatra is the first known recording to date back to 3400 BC! I can’t believe that it took so long to mainstream hair extensions! But as such, they have become one of the world’s fast-growing cosmetics markets! So how are you standing out in that great place? Ok, of course, with personalised hair extension boxes! We work here at dodo packaging for packaging that will make your hair extension box visible on the shelf. We deliver a variety of services to ensure that you get high-quality goods at a low cost. We also offer unlimited customization so you can make custom hair extension packaging that is exclusive to your brand and business. To differentiate yourself in the market, you must show the world something they never saw. You are empowered by customizations! Here are a few reasons why you should select us for your wholesale kit for hair extension;

Material options for your hair extension boxes

The first step towards the production of your dreams’ personalised hair package packaging is to determine the packaging. These options may seem simple, but have a huge effect on how your customers view your product. We aim to offer almost every alternative on the market. As a result, we supply almost all the material for your personalised hair extension boxes. The type of material to use depends really on what you want to do in your packaging. We would recommend using our e-flute corrugated if you are looking for more protective and airtight packaging. This type of packaging is designed to keep and secure fragile items and foodstuffs and make them resistant and robust. Perhaps you are looking for a more environmentally friendly packaging for your hair extension packaging? We recommend that you use our environmentally friendly Kraft. We also supply box and cardstock.

Structural improvements in your customised hair extension boxes

The next thing you can do is change your hair box arrangement. Create a different packaging for your hair extensions to create a box exclusive to your brand. This allows you to differentiate from the rest of the business. Do you want to showcase your product without taking it out of the packaging? Do you want to? Well, you can always attempt to instal a window in your box. This allows space to view the product without being separated from the protective packaging. Or let’s say you want your customised hair extension packaging to look more costly. With gold or silver foiling your product will look like a million dollars! PVC, elevated ink and embossing are our other structural choices for your packaging. There are therefore no limits on your customised hair extension boxes!


Any size and shape for your custom printed boxes

You must determine the type and size you want after going through the basic settings for your hair extension boxes. As already stated, we do our utmost to give you every choice you want. This can render any size or shape. The same applies to your customised hairspray boxes. Since they belong to the same group and have similar criteria. A more unique type is also more likely to get the attention of your client. We can literally make custom hair extension boxes of any size; so go crazy!

Luxury boxes for hair extension

Are you looking for premium packaging for hair extension? The easiest way to make the packaging is to provide you with all choices to adjust the packaging. As mentioned above, we alter almost every element of the packaging. This involves improvements to the configuration of your individual hair extension boxes. Printing changes, colours, fonts and more will affect the way the product is presented. Let’s say that you are searching for a way to sell your wholesale holiday hair extension packaging. How about trying the packaging using colours that are synonymous with holiday occasions such as red and green. You can still have a minimal look with just innovative hair packaging.

Free and quick delivery

Part of how we have the best-customised hair extension boxes in the game is by offering the best facilities. As a consequence, we deliver free shipping around the world! So wherever you are, you can get your hair extension packaging free of charge! Most manufacturing companies cannot provide this service, which makes us the top of the field. In addition, we typically deliver our hair extension boxes between 6-8 working days. However, if you need it sooner, you can order your extension box for a small fee.

Our focus is customer care

As we work in the service sector, we appreciate the value of satisfying our customers. We want to ensure that your time with us is not only good but fantastic. It’s a pleasure to use our services for your hair packing boxes and we regard it as such. We therefore only have a few procedures to ensure customer loyalty. For one thing, we have a customer service representative available 24 hours a day to chat. As a result, our whole team is just one ring apart! We can also submit a 2D and 3D mockup of your individual hair extension boxes so you know what you’re having. Hair extension boxes are just one of the many items we manufacture quickly. Go now to check out all other personalised boxes and custom cosmetic boxes, including weave packaging boxes!


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