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Can AA Meetings in New Jersey Help You Stay Sober?

3 min read

You will find recovering addicts in New Jersey searching online for a local AA meeting. The reason is these AA meetings are a crucial part of their recovery process. They help them cope with changes introduced in rehabs and adjust to a new life faster. 

Battling with addiction is never easy, and when it comes to alcohol use disorder, the challenges are amplified. This is because alcohol is readily available making it hard for addicts to stay away from it. Temptations are bound to be there even after discharge from an alcohol treatment center. This is why attending an AA meeting in New Jersey can help you stay sober.

What are the 12 traditions of AA?

The Alcoholics Anonymous is popular for the 12 steps of AA. These steps have been defined in its Big Book. They are as follows:

  1. You must admit that you have no control over alcohol and you need help to manage your life.
  2. You believe that only a higher power can help you overcome this addiction.
  3. You are willing to make decisions to change yourself by following what the higher power says.
  4. You prepare a “searching and fearless” inventory for yourself.
  5. You admit to yourself and the higher power how you have been wrong in the past.
  6. You must be prepared to let this higher power eliminate the “wrongs”.
  7. You should request the higher power humbly to eradicate your weaknesses.
  8. You must list everyone who you may have harmed earlier and be prepared to make amends for these.
  9. You must make amends in relation to everyone on such a list as far as possible.
  10.  You need to keep working on your personal inventory to admit whenever you make mistakes.
  11. You need to establish your connection with this greater power through meditation and prayers.
  12. Spiritual awakening can be used for conveying this message to fellow addicts.

Since we are social animals, it helps when there is a support network like the Alcoholics Anonymous to guide and support us. Every AA member experiences similar struggles and weaknesses. So, they know exactly how you feel and what the triggers can be. 

Alcoholics Anonymous encourages members to use an AA sobriety calculator to stay committed to achieving sobriety. This allows them to keep a track of how much time they have successfully abstained from using alcohol or drugs. When members achieve significant milestones, they are lauded for their achievements and tokens are awarded.

Attending AA meetings in New Jersey can be useful for achieving sobriety but the addict must have the willpower to do this. Unless you attend the meetings physically, you cannot be benefitted by them. An online AA meeting directory is what you need to get information about AA meetings being held in different states. 

Those seeking support groups after their stay in a rehab will benefit from the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Those who cannot be a part of AA tend to face the possibility of relapses. Even those who do attend these meetings may not conform to the principles or structure of such meetings.  In such a situation, you will not get any benefits from the AA program. It is important to stay committed to get results.


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