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4 Surprising Ways Web Design Impacts Customer Experience

4 min read

Today, brands are becoming more focused on crafting an exceptional customer experience across all their digital channels. After all, a great customer experience comes with numerous benefits, from improving brand awareness and loyalty to increasing revenue.

In fact, over 70% of customers say that customer experience is a critical factor when making purchase decisions. Furthermore, over 75% of customers who experience positive customer experiences are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend.

According to a Melbourne web design company, if you’re thinking of improving your customer experience, the first place to start is your website design. But how exactly does your web design impact the overall customer experience?


  1. Professional And Modern Appeal

As soon as a user visits your website, the customer experience starts. How your website looks can have a direct impact on whether they’ll stay on your website. The goal here isn’t to make a lasting impression. Instead, you want to intrigue visitors and encourage them to explore your website further.

You don’t have to do anything complex for your website’s appearance to work. Stay updated with the latest web design trends and give people what they want to see. You can’t have a site that looks like from the 90s and expect a user to spend time on it.

To attract users and improve their experience using your website, you want to have a modern, professional-looking website. Everything should be easy to read, whether choosing the right fonts or highlighting certain statements. You should also incorporate a lot of white space to prevent clutter. The right color scheme not only ensures a more pleasant experience for your users but also imparts your branding efforts.

Add interesting images and videos that can get their attention and improve retention. Also, avoid flashy animation that can distract and annoy users and make your website look amateur.


  1. Mobile Responsiveness

Did you know that mobile devices generated over 50% of global website traffic? With those numbers, it’s necessary to have a mobile-first design, which means designing for the smallest screen first and working on larger displays. A mobile-responsive design allows your website to scale up and down, depending on screen size.

A responsive design helps cater to mobile users, ensuring better browsing for users. Imagine having to read the miniature text of desktop-optimized content on your mobile devices. Not only does it impact the overall functionality and design of your website on a mobile device, but mobile responsiveness is also a ranking factor for Google and other search engines. This is because responsiveness is a key factor to positive customer experience, and Google is always prioritizing better user experience.

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, Google may put you on a lower ranking and prioritize other sites that offer responsive features.

Mobile Responsiveness

  1. Easier To Navigate

A well-designed website with good navigation also impacts customer satisfaction by allowing visitors to find what they need as quickly as possible. Familiar and intuitive navigation styles allow your visitors to quickly find the content and information they want.

Ideally, your website users should easily find their way around your website intuitively and easily. Otherwise, they can quickly get frustrated and leave. Your users should be able to explore your website menu and easily figure out how it’s organized and what links or menus to follow to get the information they’re looking for.


  1. Fast Loading Times

At its core, the faster your website loads, the better your customer experience is. In a busy world, no one has the time to wait for several minutes for a website to load. Visitors are looking for pages that load in an instant and get the information they need right away. Other than your visitors, Google also loves fast-loading websites since users love them.

Always aim for loading times of less than 3 seconds. To do that, you need to do some optimization here and there. For one, you need to make your images smaller. Also, you need to remove auto-play from your website altogether. Audio or video should only play if a user clicks on it.



Your website’s overall design can have a significant impact on a user’s experience in various ways, more particularly in whether or not a visitor turns into a customer. Whether you’re creating an eCommerce site or overhauling your existing portfolio website, understanding how each aspect of your web design impacts customer behavior allows you to make the necessary improvements to enhance revenues and performance. Consider the ideas mentioned here as you plan and prepare.

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