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Home » 12 Benefits Of Having A Dog In Your Home

12 Benefits Of Having A Dog In Your Home

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Having A Dog

Did you know that having a dog brings many benefits to our health?

1. Therapeutic benefits

Studies conducted by the Waltham Mars Center, a pioneer and scientific leader worldwide in nutrition and welfare for companion animals, have shown that in children with autism, animal-assisted interventions have facilitated improvements in critical areas such as social functioning, concentration and attention.

Assistance dogs have the role of performing some of the functions and tasks that the person cannot perform as a result of a disability. For example: the signal dog is key for people with hearing disabilities, while the dog Lazarillo is key for people with visual impairment.

2. Psychological benefits

Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners. Even for those people who develop a clinical depression, having a pet can help them get out of a major depressive episode more effectively than medication.

Service dogs are trained to help deal with the various symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that some soldiers suffer when they return from fighting.

These treatments with canines help to deal with anger, nightmares or insomnia, hyper vigilance, recurring memories, feelings of reliving the traumatic event, emotional numbness, social isolation to reintegrate the affected to civil life.

3. Increase immunity

The dogs are covered in germs. Having a dog in the house means more bacteria in the home and therefore its occupants are more exposed to them (study on “biodiversity related to the dog”), especially high in the pillowcases. For this reason, people with dogs seem to get sick less often and less severely than people who do not have a dog.

Likewise, a dog runs or house with a dog makes children less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives according to the Cincinnati Childhood Allergy & Air Pollution Study (CCAAPS).

4. Increase your positivism

The interaction and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive. Even the simple act of looking at your pet increases the amount of oxytocin, the chemical that makes your brain feel good.

5. They detect low levels of sugar

An article in the British Medical Journal indicated that more than a third of dogs living with diabetics show behavioral changes when their owners’ blood sugar levels fall, sometimes even before the patients themselves were aware of it. .

6. They detect cancer

According to a 1989 case study in The Lancet, one patient reported that his dog constantly sniffed a mole on his leg, and once he even tried to bite the lesion off, this discovered that it was a malignant melanoma.

Dogs are not only good at sniffing out skin cancer, some can also detect bladder, lung, breast, ovarian and colon cancer. In one experiment, Panda, a trained eight-year-old Labrador retriever, correctly detects colorectal cancer in 33 of the 37 breath and fecal samples of people the scientists had collected.

7. Keeps you in shape

Taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces you to stay a little active.

Having a dog involves taking him out for a walk. This means that most dog owners meet the recommended amount of a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day.

On the other hand if you like to run, there are races that are perfect as a company in your running outings and that will follow the pace enchanted.

8. Your social life is more active

The walks in the park in which the dog plays and interacts with friends encourage their owners to do the same with other dog owners, always knowing new people.

Studies show that people who have dogs rely more on those who also have dogs and therefore are more likely to interact with them. They provide an emotional balance helping us to be more responsible, attentive and loving increasing our social contact.

9. Your heart will be healthier

The mere act of petting a dog reduces heart rate and blood pressure. A Chinese study found that people who have a dog get better sleep at night.

Author Bio

Kathrine is a blogger and a guest contributor for well-known brand that includes Inthemarket, HomeandGarden and WPiTech. In her leisure time she plays tennis.

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