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Is Having An IVF Baby Considered “Natural”?

IVF baby

Yes, the statement is true that having an IVF baby is considered natural because there is no difference between a baby born through IVF or through the natural procedure. IVF is a technique in which all the steps are artificially controlled by Dr. Nalini Gupta an IVF expert. At Select IVF India, the IVF expert will perform the procedure outside the women body but in the IVF lab under specific circumstances where she forms the smallest creation of life which is known as an embryo. Once the embryo is developed the highly skilled embryologist will transfer the best embryo into the uterus of the intended mother.

After the embryo transfer, there is no risk of growth problems, no additional risk of congenital anomalies or chromosomal disorders. These risks are at par with the general population except in case there is any strong family history or male factor defects are there.

Is there any need for bed rest after the IVF cycle?

No, there is no need of bed rest after IVF cycle because the embryo which is transfer into the women womb is a very microscopic structure and has stuck to the lining of womb irrespective of the activities you do. By doing any activities, it doesn’t mean that your embryos are going to fall down.

Dr. Nalini Gupta, an IVF expert at Select IVF India advise to avoid the aggressive activities like jumping, driving, twisting, swimming, running etc. because the medications which are given to you to increase the growth of the eggs, if women not taken proper care of her then the ovaries get enlarged and it increases the risk of them getting rotated which will create an emergency situation and hence the future fertility potential.

During this period women need to keep calm and just follow the medicines which are recommended by an IVF expert along with a balanced diet. The fertility experts at Select IVF India suggest the women who are undergoing an IVF treatment to avoid alcohol intake, smoking, junk foods, canned or stored products, excess of caffeine products, etc. and if women are taking any additional medicines for any coincidental illness she needs to take them only after proper consultation with an IVF expert as it can affect the growth of baby and also need to avoid any over the counter medicines.

What are the symptoms of IVF pregnancy?

The symptoms of IVF pregnancy is same as the symptoms of natural pregnancy, however, the women who are undergoing for the IVF may more conscious to these side effects as she knows that she is carrying a child from the beginning whereas in normal pregnancy women don’t realize that they have conceived for about a month.

The medications which are used to stimulate the egg production before the IVF procedure may also have some side effects which are similar to normal pregnancy. This includes mood swings, abdominal pain, headaches, hot flashes and bloating. Usually, these symptoms are not the cause for concern; as they may rarely occur in case of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome which is an uncommon condition that occurs from excess egg production

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