Aik Designs

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Your Ultimate Guide To Martial Arts School Software Selection

2 min read

Being a martial arts school owner, have you ever faced issues like the drop rate of students, low retention, the time-consuming billing process, and too much clerical work to do?

These are some firsthand issues that later get piled up and make things burdensome. Therefore it is always prudent to plan things and keep tools handy so that you don’t struggle with these puny issues later.

But, as a martial arts school owner, what can bring s decent change in your professional lifestyle?

The answer is – martial arts studio management software.

The martial arts school software takes over 95% percent of the manual tasks and makes the process faster and reliable. Factually speaking, software like OnMat from JIBASoft is an all-in-one martial arts school management software that saves a big chunk of your time, money, and hard work.

The software has several versatile features, including member management, online class scheduling, staff schedule management, automated billing and POS management, marketing, rank and belt management, attendance management, etc.

Does your martial arts studio require the software?

Procuring the software for your martial arts school management should be your first task because it will work as a backbone to all the processes happening in your studio. It will remove the need for manual input as much as possible, making things more automated. Not only will the software help your business, but a thoughtfully designed software like OnMat will also help your members to track their progress through software instead of coming to your every time.


  • The registered members or students will be able to log in and track their attendance, upcoming classes and pay the fee without visiting the office physically.
  • The communication between the staff and students will reduce precisely up to topics related to martial arts only.
  • Being a business owner, you will be able to grab custom reports of monthly performance and member engagements.
  • Depending upon the monthly reports, you can plan for future tactics and take necessary steps.
  • You will have to spend less time doing the admin tasks. You can invest the time into making futuristic plans for the expansion of your studio.

How should you select the best software for your martial arts studio?

As you wish to have multitasking software for your martial arts school managementit must have great features to 95% of your expectations. In case you choose to work with OnMat, you will find 100% of your expectations met because it has all the deemed features, including;

  • Helps in student management
  • Tracks rank and belt
  • POS and automated billing
  • Enabled with marketing features
  • An easy to explore the dashboard
  • Tracks performance analytics

With all these features, look out for no other software and get started with OnMat JIBASoft. The software has many satisfied clients. The cherry on the top is its customer support. You are never left alone to haggle. You can expect the support anytime as your feel the need!