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Home » Why You Need a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Bakersfield

Why You Need a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Bakersfield

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Bicycle Accident Attorney in Bakersfield

The rate of bicycle accidents keeps increasing each day in Bakersfield, leading to increased demand for a skilled attorney to handle such cases. Although bicycle accidents appear less harmful than car accidents, they’re equally dangerous and can be fatal.

Legal cases are normally complicated, more so, cases related to personal injury–including bicycle accidents injuries. A Bakersfield bicycle accident attorney can help bicycle accident victims get legal redress.


Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Bakersfield

Most Bakersfield residents use bikes either for recreation or as a means of transport. Bicycle accident injuries can be serious, leaving the cyclist or third parties in severe pain or long-term life-threatening effects. Bicycles accidents can reduce if cyclists and other road users are more attentive to their surroundings. Common causes of bicycle accidents include:

Left-hand Turn Accidents

These accidents occur when a cyclist or driver makes a left turn and a collision occurs. When making a left turn, you must give way to oncoming traffic. The road user making the tragic left turn is at fault. It could be a cyclist or a vehicle.

Open-door Accidents

Cases of cyclists hitting open car doors have become so common that a new term–dooring– has been coined for such accidents. You may not be at fault if there was no way to avoid hitting the car door. However, you’re liable if it was avoidable.

Unforeseen Reversals

This is where a cyclist rides right into a reversing vehicle. It’s hard to see a reversing car on a highway, even when looking ahead.

Merging or Changing Lanes

These types of accidents occur mainly on busy roads and when the road user is experienced. It takes a lot of practice to change lanes comfortably for most people.

Poor Road Network

Potholes are a major cause of accidents on the roads. While trying to evade a pothole, a cyclist may easily collide with oncoming traffic.


Bicycle Safety Tips In Bakersfield

By law, bicycles have equal rights and responsibilities to motorized vehicles. NHTSA’s Bicycle safety initiatives, spearheaded by the NHTSA, help in educating road users, including cyclists and drivers, on how to conduct themselves to reduce bicycle-related accidents. Some of the tips include:

  • Be mentally prepared when beginning your journey.
  • Cyclists should always use protective gear, particularly helmets.
  • Being alert to mitigate accident risks.
  • Obeying traffic signals and road markings.
  • Driving predictably.
  • Improving riding skills.


Bicycle Laws in Bakersfield

According to Bakersfield bicycle laws, residents, cyclists, and road users should always ensure they’re safe by familiarizing themselves with the following bile laws:

  1. Bicycle lanes can be established where necessary without creating any hazard, except on the highways exempted by the state.
  2. Bicycle lanes should be separated from other traffic lanes using appropriate signs, markings, and when necessary– curbs, barriers, and marker buttons.
  3. Cyclists should only confine themselves to the bicycle lanes and follow any signs, directions, or pavement markings thereon.
  4. Cyclists should have the right-of-way when they’re in the bicycle lanes.
  5. Cyclists should have wear reflective clothes and their bikes should also have reflectors when riding in the dark.
  6. Cyclists should use hand signals when turning, slowing down, or stopping.



What to Expect in a Bicycle Accident Claim

Typically, insurance companies will do everything in their power to avoid or pay little as possible claims to the policyholders. They will apply all tricks in their books to frustrate any compensation attempts, especially when they realize the insured lacks legal representation. At this point, most victims will give anything for the services of an experienced Bakersfield bicycle accident attorney. When you’re involved in a bicycle accident, you may wonder if claims are worth pursuing or whether your case merits a claim, or even if you should get different insurance after an accident. This process can be frustrating and intimidating, particularly if you don’t know what to expect. In this case, cyclists can opt for economic or non-economic damages.

Economic damages will cover medical bills and the time spent away from work, thanks to injuries. Non-economic damages are usually hard to calculate. However, calculating equitable damages is what a qualified bicycle accident attorney in Bakersfield should do for their clients. Insurance companies will always find a way to complicate an already painful situation because they aim to save as much as possible.

Qualities of a Good Bicycle Accident Attorney


Most bicycle accident attorneys make empty promises and guarantees until their clients lose hope. Victims should first answer the following questions before hiring a bicycle accident attorney:


  • Is the attorney experienced in bicycle accidents?
  • Is he/ she qualified or accredited?
  • What’s their reputation?
  • What’s their success rate?
  • What are their charges?


If you’re pursuing a bicycle accident claim, either for yourself or for a loved one, in Bakersfield, hiring a professional bicycle accident attorney in Bakersfield is the only chance you might be having against your insurer.

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