What To Do If Your Android Smartphone Slows Down?

What could be better than the day when you buy a new smartphone that is still pristine. There are no apps on it. The operating system responds to commands instantly. The gadget is perfect! But time passes, the smartphone becomes overgrown with many applications, photos accumulate, you are actively surfing the Internet, in one word you use it to the fullest.
And now not everything is so perfect. Applications open more and more slowly, spontaneous reboots or freezes with forced reboots occur. But if you think your phone is too slow, maybe it’s time to replace it with Huawei sim free phones as they are the best in the business. If you want to continue with the same smartphone, just don’t panic. I’ll tell you what to do if your android smartphone starts to slow down and how easy it is to speed up the work of your faithful friend!
Clear browser and application cache
Caches are temporary files that your browser or applications store to speed up their work. Over time, these saved files accumulate and begin to slow down the operating system. To clear cache files, you need to install a special application. I use CCleaner, you can easily find it in the Play Market. Some smartphones have proprietary pre-installed utilities for clearing the cache.
Operating system version update
In some cases, you can significantly speed up the operation of your smartphone after updating the operating system or installing patches. OTA update (or over the air) is most often supported by smartphones officially sold on the market. From experience, the more eminent a manufacturer is, the longer it will take to support updates. Many smartphones from China do not support the update, as they are flashed by sellers to global (with many languages) firmware. But even here you should not despair – you can find fresh Russian-language firmware on the forums and install it yourself.
Reboot your device
Some users keep their Android smartphone turned on all the time and do not even realize that their gadgets need to be rebooted from time to time. It’s good (well, that is, of course, it’s bad) if the smartphone freezes tightly and requires a hard reboot or reboots on its own, but more often than not, it will just work slower and slower day by day. Therefore, reboot your smartphone every 2-3 days.
Disable startup apps
Many applications are automatically added to startup after installation, they can start independently and work in the background. And if for applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, MI Fit, VK and others, from which you always want to receive notifications, permission to autoload and work in the background is necessary, then from autoloading and working in the background of browsers, games, conductors and other not frequently used applications you can safely refuse! Accordingly, the more RAM is free, the fewer applications are launched, the faster your device will work.
Hope you had an amazing learning experience. If you phone ever slows down, try to follow the given above tips and make the most of it.