Methods To Not To Dislike Your Own Kids & Provide Emotional Support To Them

Education sector has seen a vast development and school managements are opting advance tools like LMS and ERP to manage their teaching-learning process and help the kids and students’ study effectively but parents do not have such facilities to help them in parenting their stubborn kids. Many times, it happens that parents could not control their anger or temper and hit the child or become little violent and regret later. so, let’s understand about few measures which can prevent your relationship with your child from getting destroyed. Just like other people when parents get frustrated from their stubborn child, they also put a label of monster or avatar of Loki (God of mischief). So, before this perception can result into something very wrong which parents regret afterwards, change your way of looking at this issue. I saw one day a lady at a bank with her child, who was insisting for ice cream and when she denied then he started hitting her and then his mother had a shower of embarrassment. Such things can happen with any parents and they get so much disappointed that they start to hate their own child. Secondly when your temper is about to make you a volcano which is about to erupt, do a trick, bring family album and look on those pictures when your child was little having age of few months only, feel the innocence of your child through those pictures and go through those loving memories you spent as parents with your child, now the miracle will happen and these sweet memories will surely make you forget all mischief done by your child and you will search for 1000 ways to mend your child. Whenever you are prepared, seek the detective Sherlock Holmes in you and start finding the reason why your child is acting like this and not listening to you at all.
Children always need emotional support from parents, in almost every age because parents are like those banyan trees under the shadow of which many small plants grow. From infanthood to adult a child goes through various patterns of emotions and various levels of emotional breakdowns too. The way they deal with these situations decides their growth of personality in future, just the way tools like LMS and ERP deal with school management, decide the academic growth and betterment of future of the children. That is why involvement of parents plays an important role in nurturing children and their presence in every emotional need creates the type of person in the child.
So, lets understand how to provide enough emotional support to the kids/students:
- Whenever children try to say to the parents or teachers it is necessary that they should react towards them in a supportive and respected manner. It is a habit of children to ask the same thing again and again and it is the teachers and parent’s responsibility to revert to their curiosity in a positive manner otherwise their queries will die in their throats.
- Even if the students are sometimes out of their limits and creating too much mischief, even then the elders need to hold the calm and try to find the real reason behind their weird behaviour because many times in lack of words when kids are unable to express themselves then they do weird things to attract the attention of the elders.
- Doesn’t matter if teachers teach online or offline to the students, it should be kept in mind that queries and concerns of children must be heard and if they are bothered a lot, proper affection should be provided to them.
- Assuring them from time to time that they are safe and no one is going to hurt them or that nothing bad is going to happen strengthens the morals of students and children. This assurance makes them stronger from inside and they focus on their studies properly.
- Students and children try to perform their best in all possible ways and to win the hearts of their elders so it is the duty of elders also that they should appreciate their efforts from time to time, this motivates them to work harder and to perform well enough than before. Such appreciations boost up the morale of children in those situations also when they are depressed due to some mishap.
- Children should be taught in a jolly manner; teachers are trained for such purposes that they should make learning interesting through their creativity. Hence, teachers should avoid being unnecessarily robust in class. Students spend 5-6 hrs of their day with teachers so teachers should also respect their time and should have a happy bond with children.