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Leveraging Wise Screen Timing to Improve Your Productivity and Health

3 min read
Leveraging Wise Screen Timing

Smarter screen timing enhances critical thinking, emotional wellness, and time management skills. When you spend too much time on your screen, it becomes counterproductive. A report by CNBC says that prolonged screen time affects physical health. It impacts your focus and you could become less productive. It is necessary to track your screen time all the time.

How wise screen timing benefits you

People spend a lot of time doing a variety of activities on their MacBook or iPhone. For instance, you might spend more than five hours designing on your Mac. The bad thing is that you do not even notice it. Unfortunately, more hours on your screen affects your focus and health.  Your concentration decreases and you might procrastinate. One of the solutions to control the total time spent is to set limits to your screen time.

Data by Wired shows one in every five people forget a password every 90 days. The report says a quarter of password users forget a password daily. Even in such situations, there is a smart solution by using a screen time password.  It is an app by Apple that allows you to manage your screen time. By the end of the day, you can check how much time you spent on your MacBook, iPhone, or iPad. You can customize its settings based on how you want your daily schedules to be. You no longer need to worry about how to reset screen time password when using the app.

It is user-friendly and resetting your password is easy. Wise screen timing provides many benefits.

  • Improves your productivity and focus: You get fewer distractions which improves your focus and productivity.
  • Eliminates burnout: A lot of screen time may increase negative mood, anxiety, and depression. They are catalysts of burnout and poor performance.
  • Improves your health: Too much screen time might cause backaches and eyes and thumbs problems. You improve your health when you reduce your screen time on Mac or iPhone.

Tips and tricks for improving your screen time for enhanced productivity and health

Too much screen time is known to be counterproductive. You can improve the time you spend on your MacBook or other Apple products. Here are tips and tricks to help you improve your screen time.

  • Use productivity apps: Apple has developed various productivity apps for use on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. They help you stay focused and remind you when it is time for a break.
  • Exercise your brain: Your brain does not get challenged if you keep doing the same thing daily. Try to work on different types of tasks to keep your brain active and healthy.
  • Set boundaries: In every task that you do, set strict boundaries for yourself. Set time for social media, emails, study, and other work tasks.
  • Take time off: Once in a while or weekly, take time off from your screen. Spend the break socializing or outdoors.
  • Work for quality instead of quantity: You might work less time and be more productive than working many hours.
  • Monitor your screen time: Daily, keep track of your total screen time. Evaluate it to understand if the time is productive or not. Develop strategies for improving productivity and reducing screen time.

People often spend too much time on their screens without noticing. The time you spend on your Mac or other Apple products can affect your health. You might become anxious, depressed, and procrastinate. Such issues affect your productivity in many ways. You need to learn screen time management to help you reduce the time you spend on your MacBook.

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