How To Hold A Socially Distanced Company End Of Year Party

It is the time of the year where companies plan and hold end-of-year parties. With the coronavirus in our midst, precautions are necessary to keep everyone safe. The end-of-year party is when companies reward outstanding employees. With the unique situation brought by the pandemic, health and safety prevail over morale and a boost in mental health.
Careful planning is necessary to bring everyone together including those who have been working from home without compromising their safety. Your human resource depart has a significant role to play when choosing how to plan the part. Here are some tips for safe planning and execution of your end-of-year office party.
To hold or not to hold the party
It is very important to discuss with your team whether to hold or not to hold the end-of-year party. The ultimate goal of this party is to appreciate or engage employees. Given the changes introduced by the pandemic, the party should stick to the safety guidelines. Don’t make the party compulsory. Some of the workers might have hesitations regarding in a large group.
However, zoom fatigued workers won’t hesitate to attend the party to boost their mental health and morale. People who live alone and had been isolated will appreciate a chance to interact again after a long period. With the party optional, you have to budget for corporate event models in Dubai to spice up the party.
Tips to hold a socially distanced office party
Consider COVID precautions
Safety should be paramount when holding an office party today. Team building and morale-boosting during the party can’t outweigh personal safety and health. The party should also aim at creating special moments reflecting the company culture. It should also focus on things that mattered to your staff and devise means to make those safe.
You can include karaoke since people are probably missing. Bars are restricted and people have not been attending karaoke night. However, the performance should be done safely. A solution like covering the microphone so people could sing their favorite songs is a wonderful idea. If the employees are the sporty kind, the focus should be on planning a sporty office party.
Promote normalcy
With safety in mind, the office party should offer normally throughout the event . Consider team-building activities that don’t need people to be physically close. A trivia game portraying the company culture and culture is a lot of fun. It encourages camaraderie in responding to trivial questions. Employees will be able to work in teams and have fun.
Choose an appropriate venue
The ideal place to hold a socially distanced office party is one with enough outdoor space to allow social distancing. A large outdoor space also creates a fun atmosphere for the party while encouraging normalcy. The venue should allow private hosting so your employees don’t mix with onsite staff. This limits exposure to other people in vital areas such as the restroom or restaurant.
Locating the ideal venue can be quite a challenge. However, extra effort is necessary to find a venue that matches your budget. Equally important is for the venue to allow in-person service with entertainment and food vendors handy. Flexibility is key to allow opting for a venue away from the office complex.
Adhering to local recommendations
There are various safety guidelines to keep people safe especially when holding a party. Everyone who comes to the party should sign and acknowledge attendance. This will allow tracking in case a positive case is identified. Everyone to attend the party should read the guidelines and sign them. These guidelines included:
- Voluntary disclosure of symptoms
- Agreeing to an outdoor event
- Adhering to social distancing
- Availability of sanitizing stations throughout the area
- Health screening for everyone
Emphasizing cleanliness
It is very important to have sanitizing stations with clorox wipes all over the premises for regular cleaning. Having some extra support staff to clean the place as you go is also a good idea. At the entrance, disposable thermometers are better thn head scanning thermometers to screen temperatures.
Limit attendance
Finally, you have to limit the number of people attending the party to about 40 people. The rule of thumb is to check with ocal guidelines regarding the maximum number of people for a social gathering. If you have a bigger team than the number required to attend, you can make the prrty into small team-based gatherings.
As every company is organing their end of year party, safety of everyone is paramount. Limiting the number to abou 40 is manageable in an outdoor venue. Additionally, following local regulations regarding safety is esqually important. This will ensure that the company preserves their tradition regardless of the pandemic.