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Home » How Many Pages Should A CV Be?

How Many Pages Should A CV Be?

4 min read
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The internet is filled with questions related to resumes and cover letters, as everyone wants to earn their dream job. However, most of the applicants don’t know how to shape their resumes and cover letters to impress recruiters or hiring companies.


Just like we know that a profile summary of a resume should be short, in the same way, a CV of an inspiring applicant must be under a limited word count. If you search around the internet or take help from online CV writing service in Ireland, UAE or any other countries about the limit of a resume. Then, the result will be the same.


Similarly, numerous hiring firms also advise candidates to mail their updated and to-the-point resumes without flaws and unneeded attachments. So, let’s have a look at a professional guide on how many pages should a CV be.


Professional Guide on how many pages should a CV be?

In simple terms, the trend of lengthy and multiple pages is long gone. Moreover, a one-page CV for employment is mostly used by applicants. The main reason for this rapid change in the hiring process is related to the selection process of the recruiters. The short resume attached will the needed information of the applicant look formal, attractive and make it easy for the recruiters to read. In the same way, a concise resume saves quality time for employers and helps them remember all the shared details of the applicants.


On the other hand, it creates opportunities for the candidates to design their resumes in a short format that could motivate the hiring managers to call them for interviews. Hence, scroll down and learn deeply why a one-page resume is a smart move.


Are Multiple Pages Resume Good for Employment?

There will always be mixed reviews about the extra attachments on the resume. However, every hiring organisation doesn’t like to follow up on those candidates’ applications with multiple pages of resumes.

If we take the example of academics, then for educational admissions, candidates are free to use multiple CV formations. But the use of more than one page in a professional resume template is strictly forbidden by most of the hiring employers. As a long resume can be:

  • Less attractive & mediocre
  • Time-consuming
  • Difficult to read
  • Get ignored in the selection process.


Otherwise, there are companies worldwide that accept multiple-page resumes. Plus, a multiple-page resume can help candidates include more info and attach various keywords related to the job.

Is One Page CV A Smart Choice?

Currently, one page is the best choice you can ever have. Hence, with the magic of your creative words and a perfectly selected template, you can easily leave a remembering during the selection process. A one-page resume follows the format of a short profile summary and a limited word count section of a career objective. As other sections of experience, skills, and contact will remain the same. Moreover, to give a captivating look and increase job opportunities, you should always go to the alternatives that are working today.



Q: What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

A: A resume is a brief summary of your skills, qualifications, and achievements, while a CV is a more detailed document that includes your education, work history, publications, awards, and other relevant information.


Q: Why is a one-page resume preferred by most employers?

A: A one-page resume is preferred by most employers because it is concise, attractive, easy to read, and saves time. A one-page resume also helps you highlight your most relevant and impressive skills and achievements that match the job requirements.


Q: How can I fit all my information on one page?

A: You can fit all your information on one page by using a clear and professional fonts, templates and ways of putting sentences in words and for read our article for how long should a CV be for further digging.


Q: When can I use a multiple-page resume?

A: You can use a multiple-page resume when you are applying for academic positions, research positions, or senior-level positions that require more details and evidence of your accomplishments.


Q: How can I make my one-page resume stand out?

A: You can make your one-page resume stand out by using a catchy and customized headline. The way of showcase yourself is a difficult task so you should prefer getting professional CV service.


Bottom Line

You can select multiple pages templates from online free or premium websites and start writing your CVs. But the chances of employment or getting interview calls decreases, and your CV can get ignored by recruiters. That’s why you should always go for one-page resumes. So, keep typing and never stop applying to companies that can help you reach your absolute best.

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