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10 Product Photography Tips to Improve Online Sales

4 min read
Improve Online Sales

Selling products online takes a lot of effort, including SEO, ad campaigns, analysis, etc. But still, not reaping in high numbers can be a head-scratcher. When all marketing-related aspects are on-point, it’s time to turn your focus on product photography.

According to recent research, 83% of consumers consider visuals the most influential factor when purchasing. That’s why product photos often decide whether a customer makes a purchase or not. 

Here, we discuss ten practical tips to help you take better product photos and improve your online sales. From lighting techniques to photo editing hacks, these tips will teach you how to create stunning visuals that increase customer engagement and drive more conversions for your business.

10 Product Photography Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

Here are ten product photography tips highlighting various aspects that matter significantly to sky-rocket your online sales.

Show Your Product With a White Background

Choosing the right background for your product photos is essential. A classic white backdrop gives viewers a clear view of the object and doesn’t draw away the focus from your product.

Some pictures taken are too good to discard. So if you don’t have access to a white backdrop or cannot cut the shadows, you can always use a background remover, which removes any background from your photos and can easily be replaced with a white one.

Make It High-Quality With Sharp Resolution

No one likes blurry or pixelated photos. Make sure to take high-quality images with sharp resolutions. It will help you capture the finer details of your product and make it look more attractive.

Use Proper Lighting

Good lighting is key for product photography, as it will ensure that your products’ colors are accurately represented and that all details are visible. Avoiding harsh shadows and ensuring the light is bright enough to show off all the details of your products is key.

Natural lighting, such as sunlight, and reflectors, are a great way to brighten up shadows and make a huge difference in your product’s appearance.

Remove Shadows

Shadowless product photography is essential if you want to boost sales of your products online. All too often, shadows can distract from the product itself, making it difficult for customers to make an informed decision.

The most common way to do this is to use lighting that is either diffused or bounced off another surface, such as a white card or reflector. Diffused lighting will help soften and spread the shadows, while bounce lighting will reflect light off the white surface, illuminating the product more evenly.

Optimize Your Images for Mobile

Many people shop on their mobile phones, so optimizing your images for a better mobile experience is essential. Ensure the images look good on all device sizes and don’t appear too small or blurry.

Show Your Product in Action

Adding images of your product in action can be a great way to engage viewers and boost conversions. Showing your product in use can help customers better imagine themselves using it, leading to higher sales.

Offer Multiple Angles

Customers are more likely to trust their purchases if they feel they fully understand the product they are buying. Showing different angles lets customers see any special features or details that make your product stand out. Taking pictures of the product from all angles is also a great way to show potential customers how big or small the item is.

Have a Front and Center Shot

The front and center shot of the product is the most important and is widely used as the first visual as the actual representation.

The front and center shot should be a clear, well-lit image that shows off all of the features of your product. The background should be neutral to focus on the product itself.

Add Emphasis With Props

Props are a great way to make your product photos stand out. Not only do they add visual interest, but they can also be used to emphasize the product’s unique features. Consider adding relevant props to draw attention to a feature and reinforce its use or benefit. For instance, if you’re selling a kitchen appliance, you could use cooking utensils to highlight its functionality.

Watermark Your Images

Watermarking your images effectively protects your product photography from being stolen or used without permission. It’s also a great way to get your brand name and catch people’s attention.

Watermarking can be done in a few different ways, including using a logo, text, or website URL. You can also use a transparent watermark for a subtler look. To ensure your watermark is prominent but not too distracting, try to keep it small, in a corner, or along an edge.

Key Takeaways

Product photography is essential for any business that wants to make an impact with its online presence. With the right lighting, props, and angles, you can create beautiful images of your products to draw customers in and boost conversions. By following these tips, you’ll be able to take stunning product shots that show off all the features of your items and have viewers coming back for more.

Here is what we covered in this article:

  • Good lighting is key for accurate color representation and visibility
  • Remove shadows using diffused or bounced light sources
  • Optimize images for mobile devices
  • Show products in action to engage potential buyers
  • Offer multiple angles, so customers understand exactly what they’re buying
  • Have a front-and-center shot as the main image representation
  • Add emphasis with relevant props like cooking utensils when selling kitchen appliances
  • Watermark photos to protect against theft while building brand awareness

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