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6 Steps That Help to Grow Organic Traffic Significantly in 3 Months

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Grow Organic Traffic

Scaling a business has never been a breeze, but this doesn’t mean it isn’t doable. Fortunately, all businesses that have a website can leverage it and use it to boost profitability through organic traffic. Although the connection isn’t an obvious one, at first sight, organic traffic can be easily converted into sales. Sounds too good to be true? Well, maybe, but hear us out. You can. But to succeed, you need a solid content marketing plan. This will help you improve your organic traffic rates and the overall sales of your enterprise. Keep reading below to find out which steps are more likely to help you tackle this difficult part. The strategies below are tried and tested by a ton of enterprises like yours and they have always worked like a charm. So, let’s get down to business.

#1. Establish your target audience and find your brand voice

No matter how strongly you believe that you found your target audience, we advise you to think harder about your customer persona, because you most likely have the description wrong. Or, at least, incomplete.

Most marketing teams describe their buyer persona quite vaguely, something along the lines: “Our target audience is aged between 25 and 40, living in an urban environment, with a yearly income over $60k, interested in technology, gadgets and so on…”

Well, the bad news, in this scenario is that your marketing team has described basically everybody living in major cities of the world. Most businesses today sell very specific and targeted services and products. Your company’s buyer persona should reflect it quite accurately.

So, encourage your marketing team to start the process over and pay more attention to your company’s buyer persona. To get a better idea to whom your products or services are best addressed, try to get some inside stories from current customers. With those insights in mind, create customer stories that will help you describe how can customers benefit from your products or services. Use your current customers as examples and try to get emotional. This will help you get a better idea of who your audience should be.

With their stories and emotions in mind, you’ll have an easier time creating a solid content marketing plan. This guidewill also help you establish your target audience more successfully too, so make sure to take a look at it.

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#2. Plan your content topics carefully

Now, that you know how your target audience looks like, make sure you plan the topics for your content with care.

But the good news is that you don’t need 10 topics to start off. “You only need a single, well-researched and engaging topic. The rest will come easier. However, you need to plan with care your first content topic” says Sarah Johnson, marketing director at Wow Grade. Think of the following before choosing it.

  • Pick a topic that will drive the right readers to your website.
  • Pick a topic that perfectly aligns with your product and service offer. This will help you get leads down the sales funnel faster and more efficiently.

However, even with all this information, deciding on your first topic is still difficult. But we’re going back to customer stories. This is where you’ll find the perfect match for your first blog post.

Start by interviewing existing or, even better, potential customers. Choose a topic your clients or prospects seem to have a big interest in. It may be a functionality issue they need guidance fixing, it may be anything related to your products or services. Pick the topic most seem to be tempted to read and start writing in-depth, well-researched and informational blog posts on it. Aim for 4 to 6 blog posts on each relevant topic that you choose.

#3. Don’t start without a solid SEO keyword plan

Your keywords matter and your marketing department knows it very well. Although for many, SEO sounds a bit like rocket science, but bear with us, it isn’t. it’s just a tool that will help you get the greatest value out of your content.

So, before anything else, get a better idea of what phrases people use to get to your website. When creating your keyword plan, avoid short, stiff and unnatural keywords. Instead, focus on long-tail keywords. This will help you boost organic traffic. Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner will be of great help, but you’ll need an account to use it.

#4. Write your content carefully

After the research part is done, it’s time to get creative. The catch here is to create engaging and shareable content. Whether you want to inform, educate, entertain, whether you want to make it relevant and unique, you need a team of good writers. Above anything else, your content should be grammatically correct and readable. Apart from the information you share with your audience, these will determine how professional you look in the face of your audience. Use professional proofreading, editing services, but also look forward to using grammar and readability checkers. From Trust My Paper to Grammarly, Grab My Essay and Hemingway Editor, you have plenty of good options.

#5. Call-to-action phrases are the key to success

If you think about neglecting clear call-to-action phrases in your content, think again. These make a huge difference and will push leads down the sales funnel more efficiently. So, whether you encourage your clients to try a free trial, or to profit from the huge discounts your company has, use call-to-action phrases.

#6. Use social media to expand your audience

To reach the right audience and deliver your content more successfully, you shouldn’t neglect using social media outlets. These will not only help you distribute your content easier, but they will help you grow your audience.

Final Thoughts

No matter where you are in your content marketing journey, make sure you apply the tips above to get the best results. Content writing is not that complicated if you have the necessary resources and help. So, find your own recipe for success and be consistent with it.


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