Your DIY Moving Game Plan!

The #1 thing,when it comes a move, is having agame plan and sticking to it. Often times a move can seem daunting for a DIYer, especially if it’s the first time you’ve ever moved. Here are the steps we recommend you follow so your move is seamless and stress free:
- Purchase Packing Supplies – Boxes, Packing Paper or Bubble Wrap, Tape, Sharpie or Marker for Box Descriptions and Inventory.
I like to over estimate my supplies and once the packing is complete return the extras. Extra boxes come in handy and are easily returned. This saves time in the long run of having to make extra trips back to the store while packing / moving.
- Enlist friends or family to help out well in advance!
Nothing makes a move easier than if its in good company. I can’t remember a time I’ve ever moved without the help of someone that I’d gladly return the favor for down the road. Make sure you let them know ahead of time so they can be sure to be available.
- Book your moving truck or van rental!
Ensure you have your moving transportation ready to go well in advance of your upcoming move. Speak to a professional about the size of truck you will need and when in doubt go up in size. This will certainly help to lower your stress level and make the day of the move that much easier.
- Organize by Room or Item Function:
You should have a plan of organization by room or item type. Have an idea of how you want to find your items once you’re at your new house or location. Once you’re at the new site with your packed things this will aide in quickly getting unpacked and settled in.
Example: Kitchen items all together in boxes clearly labeled by appliance or shelf or drawer items.
- Separate out and remove donations and junk removal items while packing – Now’s a great time to think about donations, giving back or any junk removal:
We all tend to have more items and things then we truly need! Start things off right in your new location with only the items you truly need and want. A good general rule of thumb is as you pack items up ask yourself – have I used this item in the past 6 months? If the answer is NO start a separate box for donations or junk removal and keep these items separate.
- Order a Pizza or have snacks and beverages for your friends and family work crew! Nothing motivates like some free food and drinks!
Now that you have a good gameplan, its just a matter of executing. Pack the truck up, drive to your new location and unpack. You should be well ahead at your new spot with all of your boxes and packing clearly labeled and free of unused items!
Brought to you by Murfreesboro Junk Removal