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Shared Hosting Solutions: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Blog

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Shared Hosting Solutions

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Blogging by passion is a good medium to showcase your expertise. But now it has become a full time profession like conventional jobs. According to reports, 50% of online readers prefer reading blogs and infographics. So, how can an online community get access to such informative content? It is because of the web hosting infrastructure.

There are different cheap website hosting plans with custom configurations. Shared hosting is the popular choice of users to host their websites. Who knows, the blog that you are reading might also get a shared hosting infrastructure. Let’s dive into the details of why shared hosting and blogging are useful. 

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting is a web hosting plan where multiple websites use the same server resources. As a result, it is a cost-effective way to build an online presence through website hosting plans. The server resources are divided into different web hosting account users. Hence, the operational cost is also reduced. Hence, the operational cost is also reduced, making it an attractive option for those seeking web hosting services Dubai.

Shared hosting plans include features like a control panel, unmetered bandwidth, customer support, and high-quality network speed for giving an unparalleled performance. For beginners, shared hosting is the perfect hosting infrastructure to build, host, and scale websites.

Key Features of Shared Hosting

Key Features of Shared Hosting

Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a good way to filter traffic from the network. It protects the server from several vulnerabilities in the web hosting environments. Reliable shared hosting service providers like MilesWeb offer WAF inclusive in their shared hosting plans. It enables an additional security layer for customers. 

WAF is particularly focused on preventing cross-site scripting and SQL injections. These are two common vectors where attackers inject the code and compromise the database. 

Scans and Monitoring

Hackers must not visit your website. Web hosting service providers regularly scan and monitor websites to block spam traffic. Malware refers to a wide range of undesirable or dangerous code that website owners can upload unknowingly. Every uploaded file will be scanned by MilesWeb for malware characteristics to prevent this. They regularly update the scanners to account for the rapidly changing threat landscape.


In emergency cases, website owners panic when data is lost! Hence, to avoid this, shared hosting service providers like MilesWeb, offer regular backup services. The company offers different duration website backup plans. It gives the customer peace of mind and ensures there is no compromise on data protection. 

Why is Shared Hosting Beneficial for Bloggers?

Shared hosting is a budget-friendly option that’s ideal for new bloggers for a few reasons:

  • Cost-effective: Shared hosting is cost-effective as it splits server resources among various users, reducing the overall price significantly; it is perfect for bloggers who are starting out and have a low budget.
  • Easy to manage: It is easy to manage because shared hosting providers usually have easy-to-use control panels that let you create and run your own blog without any technical knowledge. 
  • Scalability: Shared hosting plans offer enough storage and bandwidth for starting a blog, while you can easily upgrade to a more robust hosting plan offered by the same provider as your blog becomes more popular.
  • Suitable for low traffic:  This type of hosting best fits blogs that do not expect many visitors. In case you anticipate a large influx of readers, the sharing plan may fail to accommodate.

In essence, shared hosting provides a good balance of affordability, ease of use, and scalability, making it a great launchpad for new bloggers.

Here’s some more content on why shared hosting is good for bloggers:

  • Features:  There are various features provided by many shared hosting suppliers that are particularly made for bloggers. These features would include one-click WordPress installation, free SSL certificates meant for security purposes, and email accounts, all with intended savings in terms of time and money when compared to setting them up by oneself.
  • Community and Support: Shared hosting providers’ communities and customer support capabilities are frequently expansive. This benefit most pertains to bloggers who might face technological glitches or ask questions when establishing themselves. You might resolve a problem through advice offered by the support team members or another blogger.
  • Uptime and Reliability: Shared hosting providers that are reliable prioritize keeping your blog accessible to visitors most of the time, which is crucial for maintaining professionalism as a blogger and avoiding frustration among audience members.

Summing Up

So, you’ve crafted compelling content, and designed a stunning layout, and now your blog is poised to take flight. But before you hit publish, there’s one crucial element to secure: a reliable shared hosting solution.

Remember, choosing the perfect fit isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Consider your budget, technical expertise, and traffic expectations. By prioritizing features like user-friendly interfaces, robust security, and excellent customer support, you’ll find a shared hosting service that empowers your blog to thrive. With a strong foundation in place, you can focus on what truly matters: sharing your voice and captivating your audience.

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