Programming Languages And Framework, The Best On Which To Focus Today

We know that technology is constantly evolving. Choosing which programming languages or frameworks to learn is an important investment and in this article I will try to give you some insights on the various currents that are developing at the moment. First of all, if you are a novice, know that the world of programming requires continuous study. This is possible only if there is great passion, curiosity and desire to learn.
What does it mean to use programming languages? Being able to talk to a car
Using a programming language means talking to a machine. The languages that I will show you are all high-level, which means that they are structured to be close to your way of expressing concepts and further away from the low level that is the domain of binary machine language . Your code will be translated by a whole series of intermediaries, which depend on the language used, in machine language. A framework instead is a way in which you can use a certain language. It can be translated as framework or structure and in effect a framework is one of many logical architectures that can be built using a specific language. The advantage lies in the reusability of the code, in order to save – to you a programmer – the rewriting of code already written previously and to make collaborative work easier.
Programming languages and frameworks. Here’s what the job market requires
Certainly the request concerns mostly high-level languages and in particular languages that have to do with the network, apps or data management or these languages somehow use in Ad Film Production Houses In Dubai, from different points of view.
1) Python, the most widely used flexible language in science
It is a language that is reputed to be simple enough to learn, with a steep learning curve and is very much required by the labor market. Thanks to its flexibility it is the most widely used language in the scientific field, for example in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. This characteristic allows him to deal with a problem using different programming paradigms: it is object-oriented, but you can easily use a functional approach.
Moreover, its code is easy to read and it is possible to perform many complex functions with ease, thanks to the large number of online libraries. It is multi-platform and offers the possibility of rapidly developing prototypes, using less code than other languages. Its limits mainly concern slowness and inefficiency in multi-threaded conditions. Programmers accustomed to statically typed languages could turn up their noses due to the dynamic typing offered by Python:
>>> a = “Sum”
>>> b = 19
>>> print a + b
These three lines of code would give an error in execution, but they would be good for the interpreter who would make them pass easily. To avoid the error at runtime the variable types must be made homogeneous:
>>> a = “Sum”
>>> b = 19
>>> print a + str (b)
‘Sum 19’
2) JavaScript, an expanding universe
JavaScript allows you to develop a multi-tier application using just one programming language. It originates from Netscape to enhance the HTML code in the browser and lighten the workload on the server side, moving part of it to the client. It was therefore born as a programming language linked to the web and in particular to the client side. JavaScript is easy to understand and very popular, it is supported by all the browsers in circulation, although in some cases in different ways and this is one of the negative aspects. An infinity of frameworks make it suitable for different types of contexts and its popularity allows you to count on a large support community. Like Python, JavaScript also allows rapid prototyping, especially for web-related projects.
As I mentioned to you, JavaScript also allows you to use the server side: Node.js is in fact the JavaScript V8 engine of Google Chrome and allows the execution of JavaScript code on servers. It can be run on different platforms with an event-oriented architecture that makes asynchronous I / O possible. This design aims to optimize throughput and scalability in web applications with many input / output operations. Moreover, it is particularly suitable for real-time web applications (for example chat or browser game). If work takes you over the net, JavaScript is a necessary step.
3) Swift, the programming language on Apple systems
It is a programming language compiled for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS applications. Compiled means that each instruction is transformed into the corresponding code in machine language with the advantage of better performance, particularly in applications with intensive use of graphics. It is used particularly in mobile development on Apple systems and is paid very well. It is the alternative to Objective-C that inherits from C multiple features such as having to maintain 2 different code files to improve compilation times and the efficiency of executable creation. Swift eliminates the need for double file retention, via Xcode and the LLVM compiler which combines the Objective-C header file (.h) and the implementation file (.m) into a single file (.swift). The Objective-C system requires additional work that rests on your shoulders, forcing you to synchronize method names and comments between files manually. Xcode and the LLMV compiler work behind the scenes to reduce your workload.
4) PHP (and CMS), one of the most widely used development languages for server-side web apps
PHP is still one of the most widely used development languages for creating server- side web applications. It is the language behind most popular CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many others. According to statistics published by the W3techs website, more than 78% of sites globally use PHP as a server- side language.
If you consider the study of PHP know that inevitably you will have to work alongside a CMS. This is because the CMS offers you a series of features that you will not have to develop from scratch. The choice will not be easy because you will find yourself comparing a large number of alternatives that you will have to know how to select, especially based on the type and area of application of your project.
Obviously, all this also has negative implications: these solutions are often open source and free, but the availability of the open code is also equivalent to the exposure of the same to hackers and those who study targeted attack strategies.
5) Java, Kotlin and spring: build mobile app on Android platform
Java is both a compiled and a interpreted language. The source code is compiled into a bytecode, which in turn is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in instructions for the processor. This has always been a strength of Java because it allows portability on all operating systems on which you can install a JVM. Java allows you to operate at any level of a multi-tier architecture. There are numerous frameworks for Java, each designed to work in a specific context. Spring, for example, it has a modular structure and allows you to build even very complex applications by adding modules. The very interesting thing is that most likely you can find the form you need already beautiful and ready. With Java you can also build a mobile app on the Android platform using Kotlin that comes from Java and therefore can be used productively as an alternative to this language, in virtually every context.
Always study because when you think you have reached a good point, there is always someone who knows more than you
Furthermore, Kotlin is today one of the official languages for Android app development. In my opinion it is the hardest investment you can make but also the one that gives you even greater guarantees of spend ability for the future.
In conclusion…
I showed you what I think are the longest-lasting investments that currently cover most of the market demands. I hope this can help you. I have been working in this sector for over 25 years and I learned one thing: when you think you have reached a good point and know something really well, know that there is someone who knows more than you and often thinks differently. So … be humble and keep your mind elastic!