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How Viable the E-Learning and Distance Education structure is?

How Viable the E-Learning and Distance Education structure is?

Each of us has free access to the Internet, and we use it for different purposes, such as finding information for school and student projects, listening and downloading music, getting the latest news about events happening around the world, etc. But did you know that there is another advantage of the worldwide network – the acquisition of new knowledge! You can study from the comfort of your own home and get your diploma over the Internet. With advanced technology, even the impossible seems possible.

E-learning brings many advantages – a person who decides to take a course at LPU, during training, realizes how useful it is and, most importantly, quickly! Online knowledge acquisition is an alternative to schools and universities.

E-learning is a new method of distance learning, based on the Internet-intranet network. In this educational method, students enter the virtual classroom via the Internet according to a predetermined schedule (at the time of unit selection) and education is done in this way. Most of the educational activities in this method are held in absentia and through the site.

What are the benefits of e-learning?

  • No need for long and tedious trips
  • Access to the content of the courses offered anytime, anywhere and frequently via the Internet
  • Direct interaction with professors through online classes
  • Reduce travel time and costs for students Ability to record student activities and progress by the professor
  • Increasing the quality of course presentation (due to the multimedia course presentation)
  • Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training (due to the elimination of time and space constraints)
  • Supports a large number of students in a class
  • Direct and online educational support for each lesson by the course instructor

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Can e-learning replace face-to-face training and other teaching methods?

If e-learning is implemented properly and its components, namely the proper learning management system and e-content, are of good quality, it can in some cases be a very good alternative to face-to-face training. The advantages of e-learning in some cases have no alternative to other methods. Ability to attend any location, no limit on the number of participants, cost sharing and consequently its reduction and the use of different formats for educational content are among the advantages of e-learning compared to other methods.

Who is e-learning suitable for?

LPU Distance Education BA syllabus allows you to participate in on-site training courses due to the use of Internet capabilities. With this description, people who have limited time such as employees and managers, experts, engineers and staff or due to geographical problems cannot access good teachers such as residents of small or remote cities can make the most of e-learning opportunities.

Ability to allocate appropriate time for study and learning:

Holding your Bachelor’s degree of Arts electronically saves time and better management in order to use more useful time around the clock. Contrary to some common misconceptions, such an approach does not in any way mean a reduction in learning time, and students may be required to spend more time and, of course, be more useful, due to the dynamic information space that is created.

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