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How To Rank Your Keywords High On Google?

Rank Your Keywords

There was a time when keyword ranking tasks were straightforward: applying traditional tactics like keyword research, page tagging optimization, and on-page content updates. But as per the google algorithm 2021, these traditional tactics don’t have their impact anymore. However, a few people use black hat SEO strategies and get penalized by google. We had words with many business owners, and they all have gone crazy by unlocking the working tactics of improving rankings without getting penalized. Hence, the new algorithm changes have impacted the different websites. Still, your productive thinking to make continuous improvements, trying new strategies, and monitoring the performance can help you rank your keywords on the search engine result page(SERP). Here we are going to describe the few working tactics to help you in this term.


Keep Monitoring:

The best place to start a race is understanding where you stand now and how far you have to go yet. In simple words, you need to keep monitoring the performance of your valuable keyword data and analyze such things as given below.


  • Look for the most valuable keywords or landing pages
  • Try to find out the immediate improvement opportunities
  • Which keywords/landing pages aren’t perform as expected


To get a detailed report, you can use such tools as Google search console and Google analytics. When you find the top improvement areas, please focus on the high ranking keywords and keep working on them. You may grab the quick wins by keeping monitoring your hard efforts and strategies.


Make it easy to navigate:

If your website is challenging to navigate, it may negatively impact your hard efforts to find the best keywords. If the audience isn’t finding your website quickly, then even your lifehack tricks won’t work. Therefore it is crucial to resolve the technical issues affecting your keyword’s visibility on search engines. You need to construct a solid website structure and fix the broken links and copied content issues. The technical SEO audit tool will help you to address these issues and to improve your keyword visibility.


Understand Audience and search engines:

Many times, the website owners keep trying to invite the possible traffic and avoid the google optimizing terms. However, the more traffic is your goal, but you still have to understand the terms of both humans and robots(search engine). Hence, search engines and humans have different ways of reading and digesting the contents, but some common factors can work. Both robots and humans want accurate, clear, and concise information. Try to avoid the jargon and keep covering the related topics of high-rank keywords. Understanding audience and search engines tend to be the best productive way to rank your keywords high on SERPs.


Engaging Titles:

Undoubtedly the eye-catching titles are one of the best SEO elements for a website. Your titles are the first thing that a user will see on social media or several search engines. Therefore it is the most significant opportunity to attract and encourage an audience to click on your page. It would help if you found a title tag that stands out from others and involves your primary keyword. However, create a perfect meta description to force your target audience to open the page and read the full story.


Keep an eye on Algorithm Updates:

No doubt, Google used to keep updating the website or keyword ranking algorithm. However, you may get notified of some updates, but many new changes aren’t announced by Google socially. Therefore it’s your duty to keep an eye 24 x 7 on the algorithm updates.


Final thoughts

Your productive thinking ability, efforts to achieve your goals, and simple ways will surely help you rank your keywords on search engine result pages.


Author Bio

Written by Meghan Hale, a content writer at and editing machine. You’ll find me yelling at my dog to stop barking, whether it be at the neighbours or on a long afternoon walk.

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