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How To Protect Carpet and Carpet Seams from Furniture


Carpets are not just damaged by water; they are even damaged by furniture. Plus, when you place heavy furniture on the delicate carpeting, it leaves dent marks on it, which completely deteriorates the look of the flooring and the home.The carpet seam is torn when you move heavy furniture over it. Some homeowners in Perth place heavy furniture on it for years which completely damages the carpet. Therefore, professional carpet repair Perth technicians suggest keeping your carpets protected from the heavyweight of the furniture.

Repositioning the bed that stood in the same place for years will expose the unsightly aspect of the carpet. However, the great news is that you can reduce the dents and save the cost of procuring new flooring. Hire professional carpet repair and carpet seam repair Perth technicians and make your furniture marks invisible from the carpeting.Also, it is best to avoid uncertified and carpet steam cleaning Perth companies as they tend to handle furniture roughly over the carpet, leading to damaging it.

Tips To Protect Carpet and Carpet Seams from Furniture

Use Furniture Coasters:

As dents are caused by a load of furniture pressing on an area, distributing weight will be the best way to lessen the damage. Buy furniture coasters and place them underneath the movable to disperse the weight.

There is a wide range of furniture coasters available in the market for you to choose from – rubber disc to glass. Plus, they come at varying quality and prices. You can even place the wheeled furniture on a coaster to avoid dent marks.

Monthly Ritual of Rotating the Furniture:

By rotating the furniture at regular intervals, you can avoid damage to the carpet fibres. Rearranging the movables might seem time-consuming, but if you do it, you can save permanent damage. A monthly rotation of furniture will help extend the life and enhance the overall appearance of the room.

Use Excess Carpet

If you are looking for a cost-effective way to protect the carpet, then you can place a few pieces of carpeting underneath the furniture. Professional carpet repair and carpet seam repair Perth technicians suggest doing it with a furniture coaster for better protection.

Steam Clean the Carpet

For carpets that have some dents, steaming the fibres will help uplift them and remove dust that has accumulated underneath the long-standing pile.

Hire professional and carpet steam cleaning Perthcompany to remove the damage that your carpet is facing.

Iron the Fibres

Ironing the fibres may seem unusual; however, pressing the pile can bounce back the fibres from being narrowed by time. Place a damp towel on the indentation and move hot iron over it. The steam on pressing will help revive the fibres. Also, keep an eye on the rug as you work over it to avoid damage.

Hire A Professional

Carpet repair, carpet seam repair Perth and carpet steam cleaning Perth companies have a team of experienced technicians who are proficient in using the latest and effective tools. They offer a wide range of services at a reasonable cost. Further, they even provide services at commercial places. Get in touch with a professional service provider and restore them to their original condition.

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