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How To Deal With Broken Bones After A Truck Accident

truck accident lawyer in Bakersfield

Often, fractures emanate from accidents. Health conditions cause others.

Fractures from truck accidents are among the most common traumatic injuries one may suffer.

If you have suffered from a fracture, you will need to undergo a regenerative process.  And while some fractures recover fully, research shows that 10% of fractures never heal completely.

This guide aims to evaluate the outcome of claims in fractures.

 Fractures After A Truck Accident 

Fracture injuries after truck accidents continue to be on the rise, and the lack of proper compensation among such victims is not insignificant. With this, the number of claims concerning fractures after accidents continues to increase.

If you have suffered a fracture after a truck accident, consult a truck accident lawyer in Bakersfield to help you secure your compensation.

 A truck accident victim can suffer from two types of fractures:

  1. Open fractures
  2. Compound fracture

The above can be broken down into subsections.

If you were involved in a severe truck accident, you might have multiple fractures.

There are many ways to detect you have suffered from a bone fracture. Some of these include:

  • Intense pain.
  • Tenderness of the affected area.
  • Bruising or numbness around the affected area.

If you have suffered from a fracture, it’s recommended to get medical care right away. One best way to tell if you have suffered is by having an X-ray, bone scan, MRI, or CT scan.

Once proven you have a fracture, your doctor may put you in traction to stretch out or pull out and align your broken bones.

Also, you may be forced to wear a splint or a cast. Another worse outcome is that you may need surgery to keep the bones in place. Seeking immediate medical care is critical as the insurance adjuster will be concerned with how you tried to mitigate your injuries.


The foot and the ankle region have been known to lead to a higher number of claims.

However, it doesn’t matter where your fracture occurred; you only need enough evidence to prove that you were injured due to someone else negligent misconduct.

Identifying what to prove as evidence can lead to a favorable outcome of your case. Truck accident lawyers understand the healing process and timeline. Thus, it becomes easy to go over your injuries and get back on the road.

The average time to heal is around 6-8 weeks, but still, it depends on the severity of your injuries.

During this time, you will miss work, which may stealthily increase your anxiety and worry.

Therefore, you need ample time to recover.


Claims For Fractured Bones

If you can attest that someone else negligence led to your fracture, you may claim for damages.

There are three significant areas of concern when it comes to any personal injury case:

  • How many injuries a plaintiff has suffered.
  • How to establish fault.
  • What a claim may be worth. This is always determined by how well you can demonstrate your injuries and who led to your damages or losses.

Claims for fractures require extensive medical care. The reason is you may never fully recover, and in case of recovery, your mobility may be affected. Thus, you need to secure the best financial compensation.

To produce and preserve relevant evidence of your case, you need a seasoned accident lawyer.


Compensation will not cover your pain, but indeed it will help you be prepared for whatever life has to throw at you. Typically for any successful claim, you will get:

  • Special damages: These will be assessed by how you suffered injuries, their extent and how much you incurred in getting recovery, your lost incomes, or any other damage you can quantify.
  • General damages:Fractures may lead to pain and suffering, loss of consortium, emotional distress, among other damages that may not be easily quantified.

The above damages will either be paid after successful personal injury negotiations or a verdict.

Most of the personal injury claims are settled out of court. And if your case needs some court hearing, the same lawyer will help.


An experienced lawyer can keep you informed on the best strategy to use, depending on the technicality of your case. Making a reasonable argument about liability is not easy. But once you can assure the claim adjuster that you have a reason to file a claim based on negligence, there is a high possibility that your case may fetch a reasonable amount.

The amount to recover for your injuries will depend on the severity of your injuries and whether you could prove negligence.

If you suspect you suffered a fracture after a truck accident, you need to look for an experienced truck accident lawyer. Such a lawyer will not only guide you in legal matters but will ensure you get the best treatment required for your case.

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