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Do Car Sun Shades Actually Work?

Car Sun Shades

When your car interior gets too hot in the summer, or you notice that your upholstery is starting to fade, the sun’s ultraviolet rays may be to blame. For better protection, it might be time to consider a universal sunshade. If you’ve been wondering if these products actually help solve these common car problems, here’s what you need to know.

Keeping Temperatures Down

In warm weather, the inside of your car is often hotter than it is outside. On the hottest days, it can be extremely unpleasant to swelter in the heat until your AC finally kicks in.

Putting up a sunshade whenever you park your car outdoors lowers the internal temperature, making it much more comfortable to head out for a drive. Whether you opt for a reflective or blocking material, you’ll definitely notice a difference.

Preservation of Interior Components & Electronics

Of course, the sun’s rays do much more than heat up your car. Everything from your dashboard to your seat coverings to your navigation screen is prone to suffering cracking and fading each time the sun beats through your windows.

A sunshade protects your interior components from this degradation. Not only will everything inside your vehicle look better without those issues, but you’ll also avoid concerns associated with malfunctions that can result from damage and warping.

Easy Installation and Removal

To get such great benefits from a single product, you’d expect it to be difficult to use. Yet nothing could be simpler than popping up your sunshade before you exit your vehicle.

Regardless of whether you go for a shade that folds accordion-style, pops up into place, rolls, or retracts, it takes just seconds to put a shade up when you park and take it down when you’re ready to roll. For even greater convenience, consider purchasing window film.

Installing Film for a More Permanent Solution

Because sunshades work so great and require such little effort, they’re the perfect choice for many car owners. However, if you’re looking for even easier everyday use and you’d like protection and privacy when your vehicle is in operation, installing window film is a good option.

Although film allows you to eliminate the need to put up and take down your shade, you’ll need to spend some time on installation. Be sure to buy your film from a retailer that offers DIY video guidance to make the process easier.

Now that you know about the benefits of protecting your car from the sun, it’s time to start shopping. Whether you opt for an easy-to-use screen like the Pro-Elite black matte sunshade or order a window film cut to fit your vehicle dimensions, it’s amazingly easy to keep your vehicle looking and functioning as it should while you feel more comfortable getting into your ride. Just browse the e-commerce site of a trusted auto retailer, add sun protection products to your cart, and then pick up your order or have it shipped to your door. Before you know it, you, and your car, will have it made in the shade!

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