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7 Basic SEO rules to increase website traffic for free

You may have heard about “SEO” (search engine optimization) and “PPC” (pay-per-click) advertising, but you may not be sure what they are and how they work. Both terms can be very confusing and, when it comes to internet marketing, a little knowledge can go a long way. If you have a website, you need visitors to get the information you are trying to provide. There are many ways to increase website traffic for free.

The basic idea behind both of these marketing strategies is that you are providing your website with high quality, relevant content. If people want to visit your website, they will search for exactly the type of information you are offering. They will not stumble upon your site without wanting to know more, so make sure that the content is worth their time!

Search engine optimization or SEO is a major factor in the World Wide Web these days. Anyone with a web site wants their site to show up when someone searches for the type of goods or services they offer. But how do you get people to your site if no one knows you exist? Well, there are three basic SEO rules that anyone who is serious about increasing website traffic should follow. Always hire Website Design Company in Nashik.

  1. Proper Search Engine Submission:

When it comes to increasing website traffic for free, you need to do two things. First, make sure that your website is listed in the search engines. This is done by submitting it to all of the major search engines such as Yahoo!, MSN, and Google.

It may be necessary to submit it to many more, but you want to make sure that every major search engine has you listed for your keywords. Second, make sure that you are using the right keywords to attract the consumers to your website. Keywords are important because it is how the search engines can tell when someone is typing a word into the search bar and what words to show them.

  1. Keyword Relevancy:

The number one rule is to use the right keywords on your web pages. You must make sure that the keywords you use are relevant to your business and your niche market. Using the wrong keywords can cause your web pages to be rejected by the search engines.

A few common words that many marketers choose to use are “home”, “about”, “company”, “and” and “search.” Although these keywords can be effective, they are not the ones that will attract visitors.

  1. Keyword Stuffing:

You also want to be sure that you are using the correct keywords in the titles of your pages and listings. If you are using long tails keywords, then you will definitely have trouble with the search engines.

In addition, using keyword stuffing techniques can be seen as spam by the search engines and can result in you being banned from the web. Don’t use keywords, you know nothing about or ones that are obvious looking. People don’t read long tailed phrases and will not be attracted to what you have to say.

  1. Optimization:

Another basic SEO rule is to make sure that your website is properly optimized for the search engines. Your title, description, header, and tags will need to include the keywords that you chose in order to increase traffic to your site.

By doing this, your site will be indexed more often and will rank higher in the search engine results. This will increase your chances of being found when someone is searching for the information or product that your company offers. For better organic traffic contact Website Development Company in Aurangabad, our experts help you for getting best results in Google search engine.

  1. Negative Keyword & Density:

When you are using keywords as a way to rank better in the search engines, you need to keep your keyword density to a minimum. Too many keywords will cause your website to get a negative ranking. On the other hand, too little will not help your website at all.0

This is why you want to keep the number of words to a minimum. Don’t go crazy trying to cram in as many keywords as you possibly can into each page of your website. It is best to stick to a good number that is easy on the eyes while still conveying a message to your readers that they will be able to understand.

  1. Interesting Content:

The last basic SEO rule is to create interesting content on your website. In order for your site to rank well, you need to provide readers with something that they want to read about. You can do this by creating high quality articles and posting them on your website.

Make sure that your articles are related to what your main page is about. Not only will this help your site move up in the rankings, but it will also entice visitors to continue reading what you have to say on your site.

  1. Keyword Research:

The final basic SEO rule to increase website traffic for free is to master the art of keyword research. Your goal is to become an expert on the intricacies of search engine optimization. Once you master the art of keyword research, you will be able to interpret and decipher what the search engines are looking for. If you don’t master this skill, you will never really know if your website is getting the attention that it deserves.


It might seem like a lot to take in at first, especially if you have never considered SEO before. However, if you apply these rules for 7 simple minutes a day, you will see a noticeable difference in the amount of traffic your site receives.

As you continue to learn more about SEO, you will find more rules that you can use to increase website traffic for free. However, the best way to learn is to simply do it. Give it a shot today and you may be surprised by how much traffic your site receives!

These basic SEO rules to increase website traffic easily should help you optimize your site and begin to attract more visitors. Remember that getting a higher ranking with a search engine is not the only goal of your site.

You want to make sure that your visitors know your website is there and that they will benefit from the information and the services that you provide. If your site does not accurately represent what it is that you have to offer, then you will not have many visitors.

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