4 Major Reasons Why USA Students Opt For Online Assignment Writing Services

Why Should USA Students Go For Online Assignment Writing Service?
From quality education to a multicultural environment, the USA provides a wide variety of reasons for students to fly down here and pursue higher education. According to the QS World Ranking 2019, 33 out of the top 100 universities worldwide are from the US. The Times Higher Education Ranking has also ranked 7 of American universities in its top 10 list of universities.
Despite abundant opportunities, students’ life at American universities isn’t easy. Classes are quite challenging with heaps of homework and assignments. Many students even work part-time to pay for exorbitant tuition fees. No wonder the demand for online essay writers has increased considerably over the past few years, specifically in the USA. Here are the four main reasons why USA students go for online assignment writing services rather than writing the paper on their own.
Reduces academic pressure
Joel Philips, a Management Information Systems junior, attends UH on a scholarship. He said, “Academic pressure has caused me to feel a lot of stress over my time in college. I have lost sleep, productivity, and I frequently forget to eat when I have deadlines coming up.” It isn’t just about Joel or any specific student. As per the American College Health Association, 51.2% of students reported that their academics were difficult to handle.
Common causes of academic stress:
- Exams
- Deadlines
- The pressure of attending part-time jobs and studying
- Leaving assignments to the last minute
- Adjusting to the new environment
- Unreal parental expectations
How do online academic services help?
- Look after yourself – Give yourself some ‘me time’ where you can choose what you want to do. You can also try out a relaxation technique such as meditation to combat stress without worrying about your grades.
- Get help – Let’s say you find it challenging to write essays. So, instead of panicking, you can get help from essay writers and effectively resolve your issues.
- Find some distraction – Enrol in sports and physical activity to let your mind and body relax. You can ask the academic writers to take care of your urgent assignments for the time being.
All in all, it’s okay to take a break and focus on what you want to do. Stress is inevitable throughout your academic life. But you can opt for online assignment writing services and make things a little bit easier for yourself.
Boosts your overall grades
Fetching good grades in USA universities is no easy feat. From your assignment structure to the citations, American professors assess several factors while grading your paper. Some of you may not even know how this US grading system works. US universities use a letter grading system (A, B, C, D, and F) where A is the highest and F is a failing grade. The grades usually correspond to what is known as a quality point. This quality point is responsible for your GPA score and is used for applying for scholarships or enrolling in other schools. In short, you need good assignment grades for a standard GPA score at the end of the semester.
How do online academic services help?
- Adherence to university guidelines – Online academic writers work on assignments on the basis of your university guidelines. From the formatting to the citations of sources, they make sure everything is according to the guidelines set by your university.
- Familiarity with marking rubric – Each professor has their own grading method. But, they also follow basic grading criteria as mentioned in the syllabus. Many online academic writers are former professors. They were associated with reputed universities in the US. So, they are familiar with the basic marking rubric followed by your professors to assess your paper.
Your professors expect your assignments to be nothing but perfect. They want you to follow all the university guidelines strictly throughout the paper. What if you miss out on any guideline, or there is a loophole in your assignment? You may end up losing valuable marks. So, the majority of students prefer getting help from essay writers or assignment writing services to boost their overall academic performance.
Improves the quality of your assignments
Submitting a well-researched and well-written assignment can help you leave a good impression on your professors. US universities consider the interrelated skills of writing and reasoning as the two most important skills for successful and quality academic papers. Students usually lack both these skills, thereby submitting only average quality assignments.
The most common mistakes students make are:
- Bad syntax
- Inappropriate use of tenses
- Using informal phrases
- Incorrect use of colons, semicolons, apostrophes, and speech marks
- Confusion between singular and plural
- Poor structure
- Unclear reasoning
- Generalizations
- Inadvertent use of metaphors
- Irrelevant research findings
How do online academic services help?
- Academic databases – The academic writers are usually Ph.D. qualified in their respective fields. They use the best academic databases to fill your paper with relevant, updated, and valuable information. Chances are, you don’t have to worry about the quality of your essays if you let reliable essay writers work on the paper for you.
- Error-free English – It is normal for non-native English speakers to make grammatical or syntactical mistakes in their academic papers. On the other hand, the online experts are usually native English speakers who can write your paper in proper error-free English.
- Accurate structure – The academic writers have a minimum of three years of experience in this field. They know the right structure to follow while writing your paper.
Writing high quality assignments involve a lot of time, effort, and practice. What if you don’t have enough time to invest in the task? Instead of writing the paper in a hurry, you can get help from assignment writing services.
Urgent deadlines
Deadline pressure is something that’s universal in every industry, including education. In US universities, you have to hand over standard quality assignments, prepare for tests, focus on coursework, and do your homework throughout the semester. Nearly 45% of students have a part-time job, and they find it even more difficult to meet urgent deadlines. The outcome? Some students may skip the deadlines, while others may write their papers in a hurry and hand over a poor quality assignment in class.
How do online academic services help?
The academic writers go through rigorous training to be able to meet urgent deadlines successfully. They follow a strict schedule to complete your tasks with the utmost precision and without delay. Thus, in case of a time crunch, you don’t have to request your friends by saying, “Please, help me write my essay”. Instead, you just need to avail of reliable assignment writing services to get your papers done on time.
Wrapping Up,
American universities offer a myriad of programs and courses to choose from. These institutions also conduct regular workshops, orientation programs, and training to provide assistance to international students. Yet, certain factors such as unreal parental expectations, strict deadlines, excessive academic stress, complex assignment topics, etc., can take a toll on your mental and physical health. That is when the role of online assignment writing services comes into play. Pick the right company that can help you score good grades on your papers efficiently.
Author Bio:
Clara Smith is a content creator at a reputed firm in the United States. She is also one of the essay helper at AllEssaywriter.com. Clara loves to travel on the weekends.